Monday, February 7, 2011

Entrepreneurial Seminar

Entrepreneurial Basics

Sense of Mission

Customer/Product Vision

High Speed Innovation

Self Inspired Beahviour

"The inclination of my life has been to do things and make things which will give pleasure to people in new and amazing ways. By doing that i please and satisfy myself"
Walt Disney

"The managers knew how to manage ---- but they couldnt do anything"
Steve Jobs- Apple Computer

Sense of Mission : Leaving foot prints in the sand

Be Excited Love your business this is importnant stuff

"Fall in love with your business"(George Tidball Keg Restaurants founder)

What and How

Creating high purpose and high standards

"Our duty as industrialists is to produce goods for the public and to enrich and make happier all those who use them."

 Konosuke Matsushita (panasonic)

Creating Entreperneurial buisness plans

what do i like
wat am i good at doing
what does the market need
what competitive position would i have
wat capabilities and cash must i have

A matter of survival
its not a project
focus on customers
focus on products
the criteria that count

Consider the things you are good at and the things you like when picking a buisness

What Went Wrong
33% of the excellent Comp's (62-84) are gone
84% of the 100 biggest Comp's (1900-2000) gone
70% of the fortune 500 ( 1955-2006) are gone

Bigger is NOT better

Started out

Life Cycle of an orginazation
 the first part of the cycle is called Entrepreneurial
Start up
High Growth
Top of the cycle
then it goes to....
then to....
this is the manergerial side of the Life cycle

Seven Deadly Sins

"Everything that can be invented has been invented"
Charles Duell Director US Patent Office -1899

First Sin
Im Okay-Your Okay
This produces terminal inaction
We are not okay... we are NEVER okay
Crisis....and a sense of urgency are necessary for orginiazations to grow
Let's be excellent....Carpe Diem

Second Sin
One Best Way
Silences workers for ever
Kills innovation

Third Sin
Out of Touch with Competitors and Customers
Your next great idea comes from competitiors and customers

Fourth Sin
Centralize Everything
This is all about controlling bigger actually better?
When in doubt decentralize
Branson;When he sold Virgin was made up of 50 different record companies
with no more than 60 employees in each.

Fith Sin
Lab in the Woods(Scientists Take Over)
Idea of having an innovation team out in the woods away from the hustle and bustle of buisness allowed for creativity
Best ideas come from the factory floor lunch brainstorming with salesman and face to face meeting with unhappy customers (McD)

Sixth Sin
Marketing Takes Over ( Salesmen Take Over)
Opposite to Lab in the woods
Not product need both Scientists(project specialists)
and salesman (customer specialists) working together

Seventh Sin
Senior Managament Disconnected
MBA Syndrome...sit in the corner office and make decisions... disconnect from the factory flood
and customers
Sear was the largest retailer then it built the worlds tallest building in Chicago...lost connection to customers In come Wal-Mart

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